This past week many House Democrats have called to nationalize American energy production. If Congress thinks it is a wise move to socialize our energy supply, look no further than Hugo Chavez. This proposal is clearly wrong and goes against every principle of freedom and democracy that has defined our nation.
“Greenies” want us to use less energy. They get excited when gas goes up in price because less people drive. However, this won’t solve anything. The good news is that we’re working on it, without nationalizing, overtaxing or being completely stupid.
Also on Capitol Hill today I saw protesters for the mortgage bailout bill. A sign read “Housing is a human right” or something similar. Really?
It’s a right for me when I work and save money (not buying expensive shoes or Skinimax) and pay my rent. I then have a right to live in my house. But is it a right for those who knowingly take bad mortgages in an inflated market to complain when they can’t afford their payments less than a year later?
I’m sorry, ma’am, you can’t afford that house, but the government will pay it off for you!
Live where you can afford to live and work harder or smarter to be able to afford your dream home, don’t rely on the government dole. When this passes I’m going to a formerly forclosed home and letting my dog run around in their backyard. When they ask me what I’m doing, I’ll let them know since my taxes paid for their house, I’ll be using the backyard every once in awhile. Thanks.
Side sarcastic note: Is it a right for those in Africa who build their own houses in villages out of sticks and mud? Or the miles and miles of refugee camps? I don’t think they have any say in the matter. We should ship the protestors to Africa…