Yesterday we let you know that “We Are Ohio” is bringing in admitted communist Van Jones to support their efforts to defeat Issue 2. Today the left brought in yet another class warfare warrior with communist sympathies.
Having previously visited Ohio during the legislative debate over Senate Bill 5, Jackson came back today at the invitation of the American Association of University Professors union’s chapter at the University of Toledo.
Jackson commented that “Collective bargaining is the American way” during his visit. Of course the underlying premise of his statement, the claim that Issue 2 eliminates collective bargaining, is false. Government employees would still be allowed to bargain collectively on wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment. But the second part of Jackson’s statement begs a question. What exactly is Jackson’s view of the American way?
That Jackson is a liberal is common knowledge, but what is particularly disturbing is Jesse Jackson’s continual sympathy and support for Communist regimes over the last 30 years. Jackson famously visited Fidel Castro’s Cuba in 1984, and rather than condemn the regime and its tyranny he celebrated the regime while speaking at the University of Havana (emphasis added):
“Viva Fidel!” bellowed Reverend Jackson while concluding his speech at the University of Havana during that visit while arm in arm with Fidel Castro. “Viva Che Guevara!” roared Jackson. “Long live our cry of freedom!”
Jackson’s tour of Western Communism didn’t end in Cuba, as he proceeded to visit the Sandinistas, and he declared that “the Sandinistas are on the right side of history“. Jackson hasn’t abandoned these sympathies, as he has continued to express support for Hugo Chavez and the Chavez government’s efforts in Venezuela.
Jesse Jackson is just the latest example of the kind of people “We Are Ohio” and their union supporters embrace in their efforts. Their continual association with communist sympathizers like Jackson and Van Jones, support for the far left “Occupy” movement, and hiring of admitted socialists shows the true nature of the people organizing the No on 2 campaign. These people don’t represent middle class Ohioans and they aren’t looking out for the best interest of Ohioans. We can defeat this far left campaign and install reasonable reforms six days from now by voting Yes on Issue 2!