With Issue 2 receiving almost all of the political and media attention, it can be easy to forget that there is another petition driven ballot issue on the ballot this November. Issue 3 is the Ohio Health Care Freedom Amendment. It will amend the Ohio Constitution to state that the government cannot compel you to buy health insurance. Unlike the million-dollar paid circulator drive that the unions funded to get Issue 2 on the ballot, Issue 3 had a much higher signature requirement, and the vast majority of it’s signatures were collected by true volunteers in an actual grassroots campaign.
Knowing that the Obamacare mandate is hugely unpopular, the liberals over at ProgressOhio tried to stop Ohioans from having their say on the matter, and sued to prevent the amendment from being placed on the ballot. The Ohio Supreme court unanimously rejected their suit.
So, now Brian Rothenberg of ProgressOhio has to try to convince you to vote against the amendment, so that liberal bureaucrats can continue to take over the health care system. This week, they unveiled their website. What. A. Mess.
First off, what’s with the black and red? Are they trying to mimic the White House’s “Attack Watch” site, which has become a huge laughing stock on social media? VoteNoIssue3 is even worse. It literally hurts my eyes to look at it, and I got a headache after a couple of minutes.
And what about those dice? See how clever they are? The dice say “NO”. But what do they have to do with healthcare? ProgressOhio was against allowing casinos in Ohio back when that was up for vote. That was ALSO Issue 3. Did they actually recycle an old webpage from the casino initiative?
Want a chuckle? Check out the “Who We Are” link. They didn’t even change the stock web page template instructions! And it still has a link to a page that explains how to customize the image on the site. Hysterical! Here is a screenshot in case they change it.
Want to contact them? Oops! “This page does not yet contain any content.”
Want to donate money to the cause? Too bad! That doesn’t work, either!
Hilarious. It’s almost as if ProgressOhio read our post about beclowning themselves, and then decided to play along by launching this horrible website.
Don’t forget to get out and vote YES on Issue 3!
Update 10/3/2011: Looks like ProgressOhio saw our post and fixed all the embarrassing errors we pointed out. It’s still ugly. And I’m betting the amendment passes easily, despite Rothernburg’s vague scare tactics.