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Third Base Politics


The Temple of O. Yeah, I know they were going for the “hey look, I’m at the White House!” look. Has being pompous really...


Below you will find my latest electoral map prediction for Nov4. Clicking on it will enlarge it for easier viewing. As you can see,...


I’ve had a couple emails from people asking why I haven’t yet commented on the first night of the Democratic Convention. Pretty simple really…....


I absolutely love this new ad by the McCain camp. I score it a 9/10 and it would be a 10 if they added...


My first reaction upon learning late Friday night that Obama’s pick was Joe Biden was that McCain needed someone who could handle the rhetorical...


It’s Bayh. We called it. Link: Or not. Obama/Biden? Thank you. I couldn’t be happier to be more wrong. The McCain campaign rejoices....


It seems McCain isn’t in quite the financial pickle many thought he’d be when Obama went back on his word and decided to decline...


We’re seeing a lot of scuttlebutt lately on Obama’s veep pick. This is good news for Obama since it gets the disaster that was...


Sorry for the lack of blogging this weekend. Seeing as I don’t get paid for this I figured I should actually enjoy my weekend....

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.



Ken Blackwell

Third Base Politics